Safe2Work International provides a complete range of health and safety consultancy services. This includes:
- Preparation of policy documentation
- Risk Assessments
- Development of Safe Systems of Work and Permits to Work
- Establishing Health & Safety Committees
- Accident Investigation
- Representation with Enforcing Agencies and Insurers
- Performance Monitoring and Review
- Site Safety Inspections
- 24/7 Help line
- Newsletter
- Legal Updates
- Managing Safety in Corporate or Public Events
- Occupational Health Surveillance
- Crisis Management - Including Development of Disaster Recovery Plans (Business Continuity Planning)
- Acting as 'Competent Person' for the employer as required by Regulation 7 - The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (subject to a Service Level Agreement being in place and sufficient involvement with the client)
- Service Level Agreements can be tailored to meet any requirements. Remember, we do as much or as little as you need, without charging you for the services you don't.
For more information on our health and safety services, please contact us to discuss or to arrange a no-obligation meeting with one of our advisors at a time convenient to you.